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Losing Weight During Pregnancy - Is It A Wise Decision?

Losing weight during and after pregnancy is a sensitive issue. Many ask if it is safe to lose weight when they are carrying. It is difficult to generalize as it depends upon your specific condition. After all, it not only involves your health but also the health and wellbeing of the fetus developing in your womb. Doctors are not in favor of drastic weight loss during and immediately after pregnancy.
Does this imply that you cannot do anything about the pounds that creep in month-after-month? Well, we didn't say that. A better option is to maintain healthy weight right from the start instead of waiting for the last few months to shed the fatty bulges. If you're wondering how, here are a few tips to get started.
How Much Is Okay
Some amount of weight gain is necessary to support pregnancy and the growing fetus. This is why if you are underweight, your doctor will tell you to gain a few pounds. A woman who has a body mass index of below 25 usually gains between 35 and 40 pounds during the course of pregnancy. Overweight women, those with a body mass index between 25 and 30, gain roughly between 15 and 20 pounds while those with a BMI of above 30 should not gain more than 20 pounds. If you gain pounds in proportion to your BMI reading, you shouldn't worry. You can wait to diet and exercise after you've had your baby.
No Dieting
When we diet, we usually tend to cut back on calories. You cannot afford to reduce calories because your baby feeds on what you eat. During pregnancy you should eat a good quantity of nutritious foods so as to provide adequate nourishment to the growing fetus. If you cut calorie intake drastically, you might deprive your child of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Fill up on Small Meals
During pregnancy you're bound to get hungry frequently. Food cravings make matters worse. The need to eat frequently also arises because of a general feeling of lethargy. In order to solve the problem, you can eat several small meals a day. You can break up the total calorie intake for the day into 5 or 6 smaller meals. This will keep you energized, boost your metabolism and help you maintain healthy weight.
Healthy Food Choices
If you can't cut calories, you should at least be choosy about your food. Choose healthy food alternatives. Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains in a good amount. The fiber helps deal with constipation too. Limit your intake of sugar and fat, but do not cut it out completely. As far as your cravings go, you can snack on cucumber slices, fresh fruit and carrot sticks. What about ice creams and chocolates? You can treat yourself to ice creams, chocolates, candies and other sugary treats occasionally.
You can exercise during the nine months of childbearing, but avoid high-impact aerobic exercise. Walking and swimming are safe for expectant women. You should stop exercising when you start feeling fatigued.
The tips mentioned above will help an obese or overweight woman lose fat fast and safely without increasing the risk of pregnancy complications. However, you should be a little cautious as pregnancy is a very fragile phase. Speak to your doctor before you start any diet or exercise plan. Also, exercises should be performed under the guidance and supervision of an expert.
How would your life be if you could lose all the extra fat from your body? If you take action now, in 2 months you'll be incredibly sexy!

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