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Losing Baby Weight Fast - 2 Exercises You Can Do Right Now!

Trying to get a handle on losing baby weight fast? Want to get rid of that kangaroo pouch look to your belly? I know of two exercises that can help you take off up to 3 inches in your waist in about 4 weeks. Sound interesting? Keep reading for the solution to getting rid of your post baby belly pouch.
Exercises For Losing Baby Weight Fast
1. Old Fashioned Vacuum Pose
You're thinking, "What?" Ok, this old exercise is from the 1880s. It sounds silly and is a little out there, but it works very well. The stomach vacuum exercise is isometric and relies on tension toning rather than muscle building. This exercise not only whittles your stomach area but also can greatly improve digestion which is a good bonus for most of us.
While standing, lean over slightly and rest your hands on your thighs. Then, suck in your stomach and hold. Pretend your're trying to lay your stomach on your spine. Hold this pose for 5 seconds. Rest for 15-30 seconds and repeat for a total of 10 minutes per day.
If your back begins to tire, tuck your chin towards your chest.
2. Running The Stairs
Find a building with one or more flights of stairs. Start by walking up and down the stairs for 5-10 minutes. Work your way up to 15-20 minutes, four times per week. If you happen to have a two-story house, you can do this at home. The effectiveness of this exercise is second only to jumping rope.
Losing baby weight fast can be even easier if you incorporate these two exercises into your daily routine.
You don't have to spend your life sweating at the gym or eat boring, tasteless food in order to lose baby weight. I work out less, eat more and look hotter today than I did 10 years ago! I discovered that losing baby weight fast is not only possible, it's completely do-able, even with my busy schedule.
Visit [] to learn the fast methods of losing baby weight that busy Moms are using with staggering results. Get your body back fast with fun workouts you can do at home. No exercise equipment required!

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Want to Lose All the Baby Weight? Try These 3 Tips to Lose Baby Weight

Trying to lose all the baby weight and get your pre-baby body back can be hard. Being a new mom is tough. Caring for a newborn around the clock is a demanding job in itself without anything else added to it. Unfortunately, most mothers are responsible for many other things as well. Shedding those post pregnancy pounds can be particularly difficult particularly at a time when your life is changing so much.
While it goes without saying that the best way to lose baby weight is not to gain more than the recommended 25 to 30 pounds to begin with, just because you happened to gain a bit more doesn't mean that you're stuck with the extra weight forever. Even though every woman is different and not all women will respond to these weight loss tips, here are the top three things you can do to lose all the baby weight while still keeping your sanity.
1. Breastfeed if possible and for as long as possible.
Your body will burn an additional 500 calories each day simply by breastfeeding your baby. That's an 3500 extra calories burned each week which can equal a 1 pound weight loss per week. No dieting involved! You will continue to burn those extra calories for as long as you breastfeed.
2.Get Your Kitchen Organized.
Eating right takes organization. You'll be a lot less tempted to eat take out or binge on sweets if you have your kitchen stocked with nutritious food choices that are tasty and easy to prepare. Sensible snacks such as fruit, string cheese, raw nuts, cut veggies and low fat dips make eating on the run calorie wise.
3. Take Time To De-Stress
When you are stressed out, your body produces a hormone called cortisol. An increase in this hormone makes losing the baby weight extremely difficult. Take time to relax, even if it's just for an hour. Take a nap, listen to music, do whatever makes you smile. [] helped me learn how to juggle eating right, exercising, and taking care of my family in a way that wasn't stressful for me or my family. If you want to lose all the baby weight without losing your mind, then you should see if this program is right for you.

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How to Lose the Baby Weight Without Starving Yourself

Are you currently pregnant and discouraged about getting back into shape after having your baby? Or maybe you're a new Mom who is exhausted and getting to the gym is the last thing on your mind! Either way, I hope the following tips help you lose that baby weight.
I don't have any fancy initials behind my name, I'm just a Mom of 4 kids. I've been able to get into my favorite Gap jeans fairly quickly after my babies, and I've observed that women who do the same have a few things in common. Here are my tips for losing the weight postpartum:
1) Don't use pregnancy as an excuse to binge.
Pregnancy is the time to get strict about nutrition. Eating junk food will produce a small baby and a big Momma. Make your pregnancy a time to turn over a new leaf if you are a junk food junkie. You'll be developing habits that will serve you well as you teach your children about nutrition.
At the same time, don't obsess about weight gain. I gained between 35-50 pounds for each of my pregnancies, and still didn't have trouble getting back into my old clothes within a few months postpartum. Focus on good nutrition, stay as active as you can, and you won't go wrong.
2) Breastfeed your baby.
Breastfeeding burns around 500-700 calories a day. Wow- that's not bad for sitting around relaxing on the couch! Your body puts on 9 pounds during your pregnancy specifically for the purpose of lactation. The extra weight is laid down on your thighs to make sure you will have enough fat to burn to make milk for baby. Call it "famine insurance" if you will. If you don't breastfeed, guess what? That 9 pounds stays.
Several studies show that nursing Moms return to their prepregnancy weight more quickly. Nursing also helps your uterus contract back to its prepregnancy size faster. Plus you'll have a nicer decolletage to boot!
3) Talk a walk every day
Walking is probably the perfect exercise for new Moms. It's not stressful on your joints (which are still loosey-goosey from the pregnancy hormones for a while after you give birth). It's free and doesn't require a babysitter or any special equipment. It gets you out in the sun, which helps regulates your sleep/wake cycle, causing you and baby to sleep better at night and possibly helping prevent postpartum depression. And you can do it with a friend. If you're sleep deprived and can't bear the thoughts of exercise, call up a buddy and make a date with her to walk several mornings a week. Then you can treat yourselves to Starbucks and gossip afterwards.
4) "Wear" your baby
In addition to the many other benefits, using a baby sling or other soft cloth carrier and wearing your baby will burn lots of calories during the day as you do your household chores or care for other children. It also makes it easier for you to be active. You'll be less tempted to sit around. Throwing on a sling and sitting baby inside it is much easier than lugging out and setting up a heavy stroller.
5) Curb those cravings
Postpartum Moms have cravings for several reasons. One is because serotonin levels are dropping, leading to cravings for sugar. Substitute snacking with another, health producing activity, like getting together with your buddy and going for a walk.
Another cause of cravings may be low blood sugar due to inadequate nutrition (eating too infrequently or eating too much refined sugar). Keep your blood sugar in control by eating frequent small meals that are balanced in nutrients. Keep snacks handy that you can grab quickly before you feed the baby. You need fats, protein and complex carbohydrates. Things like dried fruit and nuts, granola, full fat yogurt (buy the plain kind and mix in all-fruit jelly. Most yogurt has way too much sugar otherwise), kefir, vegetables sliced ahead of time and served with dips, hummus, whole grain pita bread, fruit smoothies, etc will keep your blood sugar constant and provide good nutrition. And keep taking your prenatal multivitamin to help prevent deficiencies that may cause cravings.
6) Avoid excessive caffeine
Drinking too much caffeine leads to insulin surges which cause your blood sugar to drop. When this happens most people head straight for the refined carbs to quickly bring their blood sugar back up. That's no good.
7) Get enough rest
Easier said than done for a new Mom, to be sure! But if at all possible, nap with your baby. When you are terribly sleep deprived, you tend to gain weight. Consider bringing baby to bed with you if you are nursing. You will sleep better, baby will sleep better, and Daddy will sleep better (making it more likely that he will take baby for a walk and let you nap some afternoons!). Women all over the world have been doing it for thousands of years. As long as you are not morbidly obese, using sleeping pills or inebriated, cosleeping is safe.
8) Focus on good nutrition
This is also a challenge for a new, stressed out Mom. Check out books like "The One Armed Cook" for ideas on how to prepare healthy meals with a baby in arms. Visit a La Leche League meeting and ask other Moms how they manage to eat well with kids in the kitchen. Some Moms who were former junk food junkies have done well with the following technique. Before feeding themselves a particular food, they ask: "Would I feed this to my baby?" If the answer is no, they don't eat it.
9) And lastly, give it time
Be realistic- don't expect yourself to be back into your favorite jeans within a few weeks of delivery. In the meantime, appreciate your new, womanly curves (especially the cleavage that breastfeeding gives you!). I noticed that my clothing style changes somewhat after I have a baby. My normal tailored, classic look gives way to a soft, feminine style that flatters my postpartum body more.
Rejoice in your body that can do such awesome things as give birth and nourish a new life! Likely, your partner is much more forgiving of your changing body than you are. Just the other day as I was feeling embarrassed about my still stretched-out postpartum belly, my husband commented on how sexy my belly was, "because that's where my babies grew".

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Losing Weight During Pregnancy - Is It A Wise Decision?

Losing weight during and after pregnancy is a sensitive issue. Many ask if it is safe to lose weight when they are carrying. It is difficult to generalize as it depends upon your specific condition. After all, it not only involves your health but also the health and wellbeing of the fetus developing in your womb. Doctors are not in favor of drastic weight loss during and immediately after pregnancy.
Does this imply that you cannot do anything about the pounds that creep in month-after-month? Well, we didn't say that. A better option is to maintain healthy weight right from the start instead of waiting for the last few months to shed the fatty bulges. If you're wondering how, here are a few tips to get started.
How Much Is Okay
Some amount of weight gain is necessary to support pregnancy and the growing fetus. This is why if you are underweight, your doctor will tell you to gain a few pounds. A woman who has a body mass index of below 25 usually gains between 35 and 40 pounds during the course of pregnancy. Overweight women, those with a body mass index between 25 and 30, gain roughly between 15 and 20 pounds while those with a BMI of above 30 should not gain more than 20 pounds. If you gain pounds in proportion to your BMI reading, you shouldn't worry. You can wait to diet and exercise after you've had your baby.
No Dieting
When we diet, we usually tend to cut back on calories. You cannot afford to reduce calories because your baby feeds on what you eat. During pregnancy you should eat a good quantity of nutritious foods so as to provide adequate nourishment to the growing fetus. If you cut calorie intake drastically, you might deprive your child of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Fill up on Small Meals
During pregnancy you're bound to get hungry frequently. Food cravings make matters worse. The need to eat frequently also arises because of a general feeling of lethargy. In order to solve the problem, you can eat several small meals a day. You can break up the total calorie intake for the day into 5 or 6 smaller meals. This will keep you energized, boost your metabolism and help you maintain healthy weight.
Healthy Food Choices
If you can't cut calories, you should at least be choosy about your food. Choose healthy food alternatives. Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains in a good amount. The fiber helps deal with constipation too. Limit your intake of sugar and fat, but do not cut it out completely. As far as your cravings go, you can snack on cucumber slices, fresh fruit and carrot sticks. What about ice creams and chocolates? You can treat yourself to ice creams, chocolates, candies and other sugary treats occasionally.
You can exercise during the nine months of childbearing, but avoid high-impact aerobic exercise. Walking and swimming are safe for expectant women. You should stop exercising when you start feeling fatigued.
The tips mentioned above will help an obese or overweight woman lose fat fast and safely without increasing the risk of pregnancy complications. However, you should be a little cautious as pregnancy is a very fragile phase. Speak to your doctor before you start any diet or exercise plan. Also, exercises should be performed under the guidance and supervision of an expert.
How would your life be if you could lose all the extra fat from your body? If you take action now, in 2 months you'll be incredibly sexy!

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